Florida has struggled to find a path to telemedicine parity for the past three or four years. Stymied by opposition in the last legislative session, lawmakers punted in 2016, creating…
By now you’re familiar with the benefits of telemedicine. By expanding access to specialists beyond the physical boundaries of one office, telemedicine can save lives, such as delivering care within…
Recently the Arizona Senate and House met to consider bills for telemedicine parity. Telemedicine parity requires insurance companies to reimburse physicians who see remote patients telemedically at the same rate…
Representative Tom Price says he believes telemedicine can increase access to healthcare. Representative Price spent nearly four hours answering questions from members of the Senate Education, Health, Labor, and Pensions…
Making the decision to keep a child home from school can be tricky. When your child wakes up with the sniffles, you check to see if his or her forehead…
The Telehealth Education Delivered (TED) truck has started its journey to visit more than 200 VA medical clinics across the country. Have you spotted the TED truck in your neighborhood?…
When President Lyndon Johnson signed Medicare into law in 1965, the average life expectancy of Americans was 70. Many of the 19 million people who signed up for Medicare during…
Experts agree that work-life balance is important for physicians to avoid depression. When it comes to stress, healthcare professionals used to find their medical school studies and post-graduate training especially…